Friendly Reminders
  • Ally Bethke congratulations on receiving a top award out of 400 entries on her poem that she wrote
  • Prom was Friday night.  Thank you to all the advisors and Juniors  for decorating, it looked fantastic.  Everyone looked amazing in there outfits.
  • JH Track today in Freeman at 2:30 leaving at 1:30
  • JH Golf today Hailey is only one going good luck to her.  She leaves at 1:00
  • 2:15 on Wednesday, May 4 is Dress rehearsal.  Classes in morning and afternoon play.  Play is Thursday and Friday evening.
  • Teacher Appreciation Week - All the teachers here are great and show passion for the kids here.  Also a thank you for guiding Mr. Leberman in his first year here on things that were done in the past.  Greatly appreciated.
  • Dates to Remember: May 5 and May 6 - Spring Musical, May 21 - Graduation, June 20 to 22 - Driver's Education (forms where due March 24)
  • No Birthdays
  • Joke:  teacher - Didn't I tell you to stand at the end of the line.  Student - I tried but there was someone there.