Parent Teacher Conferences


 Just another reminder about Marion School District Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, February 10 from 1:30-7:00pm with a supper break from 3:30-4:00 pm.    I would like to invite all of you to come and visit with your student’s teachers this Thursday.  The PS-5th grade parents are scheduled time slots set up with the teacher in their classrooms.   Grades 6-12 and specials teachers like music and physical education will be held in the big gym and will be cafeteria style. You will move around to the variety of teachers they have.    Please limit these conferences to 5 minutes to allow multiple parents to have an opportunity to speak to the teacher.   This is a wonderful way to find out what your students are doing in school and also build that parent-teacher relationship which is an important facet to student achievement.    Thank you for being involved and supporting your student, the staff, and school district for the best educational experience they can receive.

 Go Bears,

Mr. Leberman

PS-12 Principal