8 One-Act students with their director on stage, holding a trophy.

Congratulations to the Marion One-Act cast and crew! On January 25 they performed in the South Dakota Region 3B One-Act Competition in Madison, South Dakota and were selected as one of two schools from the region to move on to the State Competition. The State One-Act Competition will be held at Rapid City Central High School on February 3-5, 2022. Students participating in the One-Act are seniors Allie Bethke, Dylan Johansen and Donté Butler, juniors Leah Goodwin, Alex Larsen, Skylar Hopkins and Molli Davis, sophomores Alexa Gortmaker, Isabelle McConniel, Hadley Luke, José Lastra and Lester Richards-Hanson, freshman Emma McConniel, and seventh grader Hailey Reutter. Marion's One-Act is under the direction of Marion High School English teacher Sarah Schanzenbach.