Administrative Professional Day

Happy Administrative Professional Day

  • We want to send a Thank you to Amanda and Denise for everything you do around here not only with with the Administratives but with the students parents and teachers.

  • Golf meet today at Fox Run.

  • FCCLA officer meeting today during 5B in Mrs. Pankratz's room.

  • Track announcement our high school boys track team are conference winners.

  • FCCLA state competition ended and here are the results: Derek, Kolter and Rylen - Gold; Jayde - Silver; Claire, Shanna and Emma - Silver; Carson, Noah and Camdyn - Silver; Logan - Gold; Madison and Aaron - Gold; Anna and Mackenzie - Gold; Domani and Avary - Gold; Kallie and Hailey - Gold; Liz and Morgan - Silver. Logan was 1/2 point away from going to Nationals. Congrats Logan maybe next year will be the year.

  • Last night there was youth soccer and it was great to see the younger ones cheering on when making a goal or helping them out when someone fell down. Keep it up elementary students.

  • Happy Birthday to Jacoby F. and Jasper L.

  • Dates to Remember: April 26 - Snow Make up Day, May 3 - No school, May 9 to May 10 - Musical, May 10 - Snow Make up Day, May 17 - Last Day of School, May 18 - Graduation

Have a great day.

Be Engaged and Respectful