Happy Administrative Professional Day
We want to send a Thank you to Amanda and Denise for everything you do around here not only with with the Administratives but with the students parents and teachers.
Golf meet today at Fox Run.
FCCLA officer meeting today during 5B in Mrs. Pankratz's room.
Track announcement our high school boys track team are conference winners.
FCCLA state competition ended and here are the results: Derek, Kolter and Rylen - Gold; Jayde - Silver; Claire, Shanna and Emma - Silver; Carson, Noah and Camdyn - Silver; Logan - Gold; Madison and Aaron - Gold; Anna and Mackenzie - Gold; Domani and Avary - Gold; Kallie and Hailey - Gold; Liz and Morgan - Silver. Logan was 1/2 point away from going to Nationals. Congrats Logan maybe next year will be the year.
Last night there was youth soccer and it was great to see the younger ones cheering on when making a goal or helping them out when someone fell down. Keep it up elementary students.
Happy Birthday to Jacoby F. and Jasper L.
Dates to Remember: April 26 - Snow Make up Day, May 3 - No school, May 9 to May 10 - Musical, May 10 - Snow Make up Day, May 17 - Last Day of School, May 18 - Graduation
Have a great day.
Be Engaged and Respectful