load announcemnets
  • Blood Drive today starting at noon. There is a few slots open if anyone would like to donate.

  • Midterm is today so make sure you get your school work in.

  • Testing is going on all over the building so please be respectful and quite in the halls. Good Luck to everyone that is testing today.

  • Tomorrow is Bear Pride ticket drawing.

  • Student Council meeting today during 5B in Mrs. Timmerman's room.

  • FFA will be leaving tomorrow for State.

  • If you have 4 or more Tardies please see Mr. Leberman.

  • Happy Birthday to Bailey H.

  • Dates to Remember: April 19 - No School, April 26 - Snow Make up Day, May 3 - No school, May 9 to May 10 - Musical, May 10 - Snow Make up Day, May 17 - Last Day of School, May 18 - Graduation

Have a great day.

Be Engaged and Respectful