Blood Drive today starting at noon. There is a few slots open if anyone would like to donate.
Midterm is today so make sure you get your school work in.
Testing is going on all over the building so please be respectful and quite in the halls. Good Luck to everyone that is testing today.
Tomorrow is Bear Pride ticket drawing.
Student Council meeting today during 5B in Mrs. Timmerman's room.
FFA will be leaving tomorrow for State.
If you have 4 or more Tardies please see Mr. Leberman.
Happy Birthday to Bailey H.
Dates to Remember: April 19 - No School, April 26 - Snow Make up Day, May 3 - No school, May 9 to May 10 - Musical, May 10 - Snow Make up Day, May 17 - Last Day of School, May 18 - Graduation
Have a great day.
Be Engaged and Respectful